Sunday, December 22, 2019

Gender Roles Have Plagued Our Society - 919 Words

Gender roles have plagued our society for centuries. Women have always been expected to cook, clean, and take care of children, while men provided for the family. In the past few decades these stereotypes have supposedly diminished, and women are now supposed to be equal to men. However, this is not the case. Gender roles, and stereotypes still perpetuate our society today, and create an environment suitable solely for men, while women continue to suffer the consequences of these gender roles society has implicated. Gender roles are in my mind defined as certain tasks, jobs, or other factors that only a man, or only a woman are able to do. The article â€Å"Gender stereotypes hindering women in the workplace† goes in depth when describing how it is not even factors such as childrearing that keep women out of top positions in companies, but rather the fact that people still believe women are inferior to men. This keeps women from being able to achieve the same ambitions that men have, simply because they are a woman. Even women who are in top executive positions within companies, only 7% of those women have roles pertaining directly to a company’s profits. To me this shows that these men that control these companies, feel we are inferior, and not capable of controlling any aspect of profits, that we are somehow lesser than them. The article â€Å"Saudi’s in Bikini’s† goes into this gender stereotype as well, portraying how Saudi women are oppressed by men in the ir society. The authorShow MoreRelatedBerdache961 Words   |  4 Pagesestablishing gender covenants. In comparing Warfare, homosexuality, gender status among native American Indian men in the southwest by Gutierrez and I know what I am by Valentine one is struck by the apparent differences that both authors have on multiple levels despite their agreement on gender identity as a product of society and culture. 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